FREE 20 Min Training

How to Stop Thinking of Your Ex the Fastest Way Possible

Learn the proven strategy to stop ruminating. Reserve your spot now!




  • Discover the root causes of why you can't stop thinking about the past and worrying about the future.
  • Uncover insights into why you feel stuck and can't move forward.
  • Gain confidence, clarity, and direction to achieve lasting change.

Uncover The Blocks

Learn what's in the way of you taking action so you can get unstuck!

Reprogram the Blocks

Explore the tools you need to experience immediate mindset shifts for increased motivation!

Release the Blocks

Discover the one and only thing you need to start making life happen your way!


I am a survivor of more than 20 years of emotional abuse. I found a tool that changed my life, helped me stop ruminating and catapulted me forward on my healing journey!

I am not on a mission to help other survivors of abuse do the same.

I can't wait to share the secret to my healing success with you! 


"I have learned so much from this webclass and I'm so motived to start creating my dream life!"

Kelly K.

"I have worked with Allison and I cannot tell you how amazing she is. This work has changed my life and helped me overcome obstacle after obstacle!"

Lynn H.




It's Easier than You Think!

Watch the FREE Training! 



My client came to me because she couldn't stop thinking about her ex husband his new wife. The thoughts would not stop and she was even experiencing them in her sleep!

Through my 12 week program we were able to retrain her brain and now she says, "my ruminating thoughts are gone!"